Understand the nature of the Danish personal tax folder
All individuals with a Danish tax liability have a personal tax folder (skattemappe) at skat.dk. A new folder is opened for each calendar year.
It can be accessed by a nem-id (easy-id).
The data in the tax folder is obtained from entities, which have an obligation to report data to the tax authorities (Skat or Skattestyrelsen). This can be employers, banks, insurance companies and pensions institutions etc. Further Skat will provide information to the folder. Even your self can provide tax relevant information to the folder, e.g. mileage deduction, deductions for special services on homes.
All this information comes from Danish sources. However, from the summer of 2018 information is also being provided from different foreign (non Danish) sources. Denmark has agreements being part of EU and via agreements with a lot of other countries that relevant tax information is being provided from abroad. This is the case for foreign real estate holders, foreign bank account holders, foreign equities holders etc. This information can be seen in the personal tax folder from the year 2016. And this part of information will be increased during the years to come.
The tax folder is a main part of the basis for the tax returns for each individual. The tax return must be supplemented with relevant information from the tax payer, if relevant information is not already in the tax folder.
If tax relevant information in the tax folder is not part of the tax return, then the tax return normally will be investigated by Skat.
More than 80 % of the tax payers can have a tax assessment based of the information of the tax folder. The remaining tax payers will have to make corrections for income and deductions in order to have a correct tax assessment.
Inwema can help you understand your tax folder which contains a lot of information that is very important to have for professionel tax advisers to complete a tax return. Write to info@inwema.dkif you need help.